Monday, June 05, 2006

Paradise Found

I mentioned watching recently the Woody Allen movie "Anything Else". In it, Woody's character, Dobel, says something to the effect of "I believe it was Camus who said that women are all we're ever going to know of paradise on earth." I've been unable to find this quote by Camus, but this site purports to record this line as part of the movie's transcript.

I found this line interesting because months ago I wrote to a friend that "Women are my favorite thing in the whole wild world (cupcakes are nothing, nothing, in comparison)."

I just wanted to take this moment to publicly state that I believe the quote above speaks truth: you women, as inscrutable as you often are, are a magnificent gift.

On another topic mentioned previously, a word used in that film with which I was unfamiliar was "amphigories". This word refers to meaningless writing, particularly nonsensical verse. The old song, "I'm My Own Grampa", would probably qualify as an amphigory.

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