Why was Jesus immersed?
Well, "to fulfill all righteousness", of course (Matthew 3:15).
But what does that mean?
Jesus is the only human to have ever walked the "Path of Righteousness" perfectly. Every other human has fallen short in some way. If you keep the Law perfectly, except for having once gotten angry at a schoolmate and keying his car as you passed through the parking lot, you've sinned, and have fallen short of the glory of God; you've ruined your chances of being worthy of heaven.
However, Jesus, having been perfect and therefore worthy of heaven, has somehow made this perfect-score available to his fellow humans as a gift. We, as believers, are given his right-ness.
When you were immersed, what if your nose didn't quite make it under the water? Then strictly speaking, you've failed to be properly immersed.
What if your understanding of immersion is somewhat lacking? Then strictly speaking, you've failed to be scripturally immersed.
But Jesus was properly, scripturally immersed. He got it right. He got the perfect score.
And because he gives us his perfect score, we too, are covered by his immersion.
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