"the New Testament pattern for worship"....
The very first Christians worshiped in the Temple, daily. What do you suppose they did during the daily instrumental praise which was being led from about 30 feet from their meeting area? Why doesn't Luke record the controversy that would surely ensue had the Christians been plugging their ears and telling their friends and families they were now sinning if they sang along with the instruments? Why didn't the enemy Jews ever list this point as one of the charges against the Christians? At any rate, the authorized pattern here is for us to assemble in some place where non-Christians are worshiping God with instruments.
And what about their daily meetings? That's the original New Testament pattern of worship. But we've subtracted from that pattern.
Why don't we take turns in the assembly, one by one, using whatever gift God has given us in order to build up the body? This is the pattern taught by Paul to the Corinthians.
Why do we take up a collection every week, perpetually, to pay the preacher and electric bill, pressing everyone to give? The New Testament pattern is for the giving to be a year-long fund-raising effort, by the wealthier, to give to the less wealthy. The poor didn't give; they received. And the money was not used to pay church expenses.
The New Testament pattern for the Lord's Supper is to eat it at night, not in the morning, as part of a bigger meal that should also feed the poor.
We have done very well at adapting the pattern of the Catholics so it looks at first glance like it came from the NT, but we've done a very poor job of following the actual NT "pattern".
And when Paul instructs his readers to teach one another using psalms, isn't it adding to God's word to insist that means "psalms, except the ones God has already given you"? Isn't it subtracting to not use those psalms for teaching when Paul himself used them often in his teaching?
Truth be told, there is no "pattern for worship" in the NT. But we have a psychological need for such a pattern, so amazingly we find that pattern (and explain away the pattern elements mentioned above that don't fit the pattern we've "discovered").
In the old covenant, based on keeping the letter of the law, God gave a definite written-in-stone pattern for worship. The new covenant is not like the old; it's based on keeping the spirit, not the letter of the law. But we (like children) have that psychological need for law, and so we've read between the lines and jigsawed this puzzle-passage with that puzzle-passage and have "found" the "New Testament pattern for worship".
We've gone from instructions written for all to see to instructions that are hidden so well that only "we", for two hundred out of two thousand years, have been able to successfully find and keep them.
Paul said that if law could bring life, the Mosaic law would have been the law to do it (Gal 3:21). And it couldn't do the job. Why then do we seek to find a different legal system? Paul said that doesn't work.
The new legal system, the law of Christ, is not a letter-of-the-law system. Instead, the law of Christ is fulfilled by bearing one another's burdens (Gal 6:2); the perfect law of liberty is fulfilled by taking care of orphans and widows and living a clean life (Jam 1:25-27); the royal law is fulfilled by loving your neighbor (Jam 2:8).
This is the New Testament pattern of worship - to live one's life day-by-day honoring God with your lifestyle (Rom 12:1). It is not following an imagined set of rules on a certain day, rules having more in common with medieval Catholic practices than first-century apostolic practices.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
A Simple Web-Based Morse Code Keyer Using HTML and Javascript
For some years I've wanted to write a little app that allowed me to use a couple of keys on my computer keyboard (or the mouse buttons on my mouse) as a dit/dah keyer, but to make it available for other hams, I wanted it in a universal languageWhereas Windows users have VisualBASIC, Linux and Mac users do not, and whereas Linux/Mac users have shell scripting, such is pretty limited in the Windows world.
But everybody has a web browser.
It's only recently that the HTML5 web standard has made my goal fairly trivial.
So if you'd like to code a bit of web-page to play some computer-keyboard Morse, come along....
Of course, you'd probably like to know what the result will be, before you follow these instructions, so click here to give the keyer a tryout.
The HTML Skeleton Document
If you've never written a web page, let's start out with that. I won't deal with all the exacting web standards, but I will do some of the basics. Open a text editor of some sort that produces plain ASCII text (like Notepad on Windows, or TextEdit on Mac, or Gedit on Linux - be aware that the Mac TextEdit has a few gotchas; you have to remember to convert to Plain Text before you save your document, and to manually add the .html extension, and to turn off Smart Quotes and Smart Dashes in the Edit / Substitutions menu), and type in the following:Save the document as plain text, giving it a name like MorseKeyer.html. If you have a web presence, you can place this file on your web server, but if you don't, just save it to your hard drive, perhaps on your Desktop. Then open a web-browser, and either browse to your web server, or do a File / Open and browse to the document. When you open it, you should see the words "Hello, World!" in your web-browser. Yea! You have a web page. But it's really not up to web standards, so let's add the basic minimum it should have. Edit your document so that it now looks like the following:Hello, World!
<head> </head>
<body> "Hello, World!" </body>
The blank lines are not necessary, but they help to break the code up into visual blocks that make the code more readable.</html>
This code doesn't exactly meet proper web standards, but it's good enough for our purposes. Save the document (as plain text, remember, with an .html extension), and then refresh (or reload) your web document/page. You shouldn't see any visible change.
Developing Our Page
Now, in the <head> and </head> lines, add this little bit:Save the document and reload it in your web-browser, and you should see the Window or Tab title change to say "My Morse Code Keyer".<head> <title>My Morse Code Keyer</title> </head>
The <header> section is for web-page housekeeping stuff; the <body> section is where most of your web-page code goes.
In the <body> section, replace the "Hello, World!" with something more meaningful, like:
(Later, you can choose to use different keys than what's convenient on this MacBook keyboard on which I'm currently typing, and change the message accordingly.)<body> <h1>Welcome to Kent's Web-based Morse Code Keyer!</h1> <p>Press the left arrow key for a dah, and the right arrow key for a dit.</p> </body>
The <h1> tells your web-browser to display the enclosed text as a header, using the built-in definition for the first-level of headers. An <h2> would use the second-level of built-in header definitions, etc.
The <p> defines its enclosed text as being a paragraph. Although not strictly required for your web page to work, it's good to get into the habit of using this tag around your paragraphs.
Save your document, reload it in your web-browser, and you should see the appropriate changes.
Using Javascript to Watch for a Keypress
Now we need to do a bit of Javascript programming, as we need a little more programming power than HTML by itself can handle. Since Javascript is built into modern web browsers, we won't have to download/install anything extra. And despite the similarity in names, Javascript has no relation to Java; they are two separate programming tools.Now we need to watch for a keypress. Later we'll generate the code to generate the dit and dah tones, based on which key is pressed.
In the <body> section, just above the closing </body> tag, add this section:
This code tells the web-browser that this is a Javascript script (more properly the <script> line should be <script type="text/javascript">).<script> document.addEventListener("keydown", dealWithKeyboard, false); function dealWithKeyboard(event) { alert("Hey! A key has been pressed"); } </script>
The script command, "addEventListener" tells the browser (or more accurately, your document in the browser) to listen for an event, in this case the event of a key being pressed down (you could also listen for a keyup, or a mouse button, or several other options), and when it hears one, to run another piece of code called a "function", which is named "dealWithKeyboard" (people with some experience programming with functions should notice there is no "()" pair at the end of the function name). In the next thee lines we build that function ourselves, which simply displays a message via the "built-in" function of "alert".
We could call the function pretty much anything we wanted, as long as it matches both in the addEventListener command and in the function definition. For example, we could call it "playMorseTones" if we wanted. The "false" operator at the end of the addEventListener command just tells the command to not "capture" further input.
Save your file and reload the page in your browser. Now when you press a key, you should see that message.
Which Key Was Pressed?
Of course, we need to know which key was pressed, so change the function to this:The "event" parameter holds the keycode of the key that is pressed, and passes it to our function. The line "function dealWithKeyboard(event)" tells the system that "dealWithKeyboard" is a function, and it's being given all the information that is contained in the variable "event", which includes quite a bit of stuff, but of most interest to us, the keycode of the key that was pressed.function dealWithKeyboard(event) { alert(event.keyCode + " has been pressed"); }
The ".keyCode" is a built-in function that returns the keycode's value from that "event" parameter. If you wanted to, you could use a different name for the "event" parameter, such as "e" or "theKeyThatWasPressed", but "theKeyThatWasPressed.keyCode" is more tedious to type than "e.keyCode", which itself is not quite as self-explanatory as "event.keyCode".
Save your .html file, and refresh your browser page, and press some keys to see what keycodes they generate.
Now would be a good time to try pressing a few keys to figure out what you want to use for your Dit and your Dah, and make a note of the keycodes generated by those keys. I'm going to use 39 for the right arrow (dit), and 37 for the left (dah), on my keyboard.
At this point, your entire "MorseKeyer.html" document should look something like this:<!DOCtype html> <html> <head> <title>My Morse Code Keyer</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to Kent's Web-based Morse Code Keyer!</h1> <p>Press the left arrow key for a dah, and the right arrow key for a dit.</p> <script> document.addEventListener("keydown", dealWithKeyboard, false); function dealWithKeyboard(event) { alert(event.keyCode + " has been pressed"); } </script> </body> </html>
Responding to the Appropriate Keypress
Now that we've captured the keypresses, we have to do different things based on which key is pressed. We'll handle this with a "switch" statement, which is a form of an If-Then statement you may remember from your high school programming class.We no longer need the pop-up box telling us what key we've pressed, so we can delete it, or just comment it out. Let's comment it out, so that it won't be treated like a computer programming instruction anymore, but just a comment. This way we can always uncomment it later if we need to test other keys.
Just add a couple of forward slashes somewhere at the front of the line, like so:
Now if you reload your page and press a key, you won't see anything happen, because our function no longer does anything.// alert(event.keyCode + " has been pressed");
So let's give it something to do.
Just after the newly-commented alert line, add these lines:
Now if you reload your web page, and press one of your two chosen keys, you should see a pop-up window telling you which key you pressed. All other keys are ignored.switch(event.keyCode) { case 39: alert("You pressed the Right Arrow"); break; case 37: alert("You pressed the Left Arrow"); break; }
I don't like "magic numbers" in my program, so rather than test the case of "40" and "39", I'm going to use variables with meaningful names here, so that the lines become
andcase _Dit:
Then earlier in the script, just below the opening <script> tag, I'll define these two variables. The entire <script> section now looks like this:case _Dah:
Now if you want to change your keys for Dit and Dah, just change those variables.<script> var _Dah = 40; // 40 = down arrow var _Dit = 39; // 39 = right arrow document.addEventListener("keydown", dealWithKeyboard, true); function dealWithKeyboard(event) { // alert(event.keyCode + " has been pressed"); switch(event.keyCode) { case _Dit: alert("You pressed the Dit key"); break; case _Dah: alert("You pressed the Dah key"); break; } } </script>
Notice that all other keypresses are ignored. We could put a default case for those, like so:
switch(event.keyCode) { case _Dit: alert("You pressed the Dit key"); break; case _Dah: alert("You pressed the Dah key"); break; default: alert("You pressed an invalid key"); break; }
Replace Message With Tones
We're nearly there. All that is left is to generate the tones.For the last and final section of our program, we'll just replace the pop-up alert boxes with sound-generation code.
So comment out the Dit alert lines, and add the following code:
Now if you save the code and reload your web page, and then press the Dit key, you should hear a tone of 220 hertz. (The Dah key does not yet work.)// alert("You pressed the Dit key"); // Create the audio context var context = new AudioContext(); var oscillator = context.createOscillator(); oscillator.frequency.value = 220; // Connect the oscillator to our speakers oscillator.connect(context.destination); // Start the oscillator now oscillator.start(context.currentTime); // Stop the oscillator after "DitLength" seconds from now oscillator.stop(context.currentTime + 1);
Again, there are a couple of "magic numbers"in this code, so let's replace them with variables.
Replace the "220" with "_Freq", and the "1" with "_DitLength", and then declare these two (and a Dah) variables:
and replace those magic numbers with their variable names.var _Dah = 37; // 37 = left arrow var _Dit = 39; // 39 = right arrow var _Freq = 220; // Tone frequency var _DitLength = 1; // Length of the Dit var _DahLength = _DitLength * 3; // A Dah is usually three times a Dit
Now add the Dah key handler: replace the alert-Dah line with:
If you run your code now, you should have a working keyer.// alert("You pressed the Dah key"); // Create the audio context var context = new AudioContext(); var oscillator = context.createOscillator(); oscillator.frequency.value = _Freq; // Connect the oscillator to our speakers oscillator.connect(context.destination); // Start the oscillator now oscillator.start(context.currentTime); // Stop the oscillator after "DahLength" seconds from now oscillator.stop(context.currentTime + _DahLength);
I find that a _DitLength of 0.6 works better than 1. You can also tinker with the frequency.
With a little more programming, you could even have these values input by the user. And you may hear a bit of click in your tones; I do on my MacBook. But this is a simple program; I'll leave it to you to work out all the kinks.
Just in case I've left something out, or left something a little vague, here's the entire .html document for reference (I rearranged the order of the variables a bit):
<!doctype html> <!-- From http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/the-web-audio-api-what-is-it--cms-23735 --> <html> <head> <title>My Morse Code Keyer</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to the Web Audio API</h1> <p>Press Down Arrow for Dit, Right Arrow for Dah.</p> <script> // Duration of the dits and dahs var _DitLength = 0.06; var _DahLength = _DitLength * 3; var _Freq = 440; var _Dah = 37; // 37 = down arrow var _Dit = 39; // 39 = right arrow addEventListener("keydown", dealWithKeyboard, true); function dealWithKeyboard(event) { // alert(event.keyCode + " has been pressed"); switch(event.keyCode) { case _Dit: // alert("down"); // Create the audio context var context = new AudioContext(); var oscillator = context.createOscillator(); oscillator.frequency.value = _Freq; // Connect the oscillator to our speakers oscillator.connect(context.destination); // Start the oscillator now oscillator.start(context.currentTime); // Stop the oscillator after "DitLength" seconds from now oscillator.stop(context.currentTime + _DitLength); break; case _Dah: // alert("down"); // Create the audio context var context = new AudioContext(); var oscillator = context.createOscillator(); oscillator.frequency.value = _Freq; // Connect the oscillator to our speakers oscillator.connect(context.destination); // Start the oscillator now oscillator.start(context.currentTime); // Stop the oscillator after "DahLength" seconds from now oscillator.stop(context.currentTime + _DahLength); break; } } </script> </body> </html>
Have fun playing with your new web-based Morse code keyer!
UPDATE: The full listing below, created 19-Jan-2023, and published at https://kentwest.neocities.org/coding/web/morse-keyer, is a better version.
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>My Morse Code Keyer</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to Kent's Web-based Morse Code Keyer!</h1> <p>Press the left arrow key for a dah, and the right arrow key for a dit.</p> <script> document.addEventListener("keydown", dealWithKeyboard, false); function playTone(DitOrDah) { const ditLength = 0.06; // Length of the Dit tone in seconds. const dahMultiplier = 3; // A dah is this many times as long as a dit. const freq = 440; // Frequency of tone, in Hertz. const waveType = "sine"; // sine, square, sawtooth, triangle const soundBooth = new AudioContext(); // Creates a virtual recording studio, sort of. oscillator = soundBooth.createOscillator(); // Creates an oscillator. oscillator.type = waveType; // That generates this type of wave. oscillator.frequency.value = freq; // At this frequency. oscillator.connect(soundBooth.destination); // Connects the output to the system's default speaker system. switch(DitOrDah) { case "dit": // If this function gets a dit, play oscillator for dit's length of time. oscillator.start(soundBooth.currentTime); oscillator.stop(soundBooth.currentTime + ditLength); break; case "dah": // If a dah, then longer. oscillator.start(soundBooth.currentTime); oscillator.stop(soundBooth.currentTime + (ditLength * dahMultiplier)); break; } } // end of playTone() function dealWithKeyboard(event) { const dah = 37; // 37 = left arrow const dit = 39; // 39 = right arrow switch(event.keyCode) { case dit: playTone("dit"); break; case dah: playTone("dah"); break; } } // end of dealWithKeyboard() </script> </body> </html>
Originally published at https://kentwest.blogspot.com/2016/06/a-simple-web-based-morse-code-keyer.html
Eight Rules of Engagement to Prevent Crazy Fights and Stay in Productive Fights
I'm not a fan of reality-TV, but being married to a fan, I get exposed to such.
Occasionally, a nugget is discovered.
In the show, "Marriage Boot-Camp: Reality Stars", S7E4, "Memp-hitz The Fan", one of the hosts made this statement:
Occasionally, a nugget is discovered.
In the show, "Marriage Boot-Camp: Reality Stars", S7E4, "Memp-hitz The Fan", one of the hosts made this statement:
Conflict means that you are free enough with the other person to share your heart in an open and vulnerable way.and then they give these eight rules of engagement to prevent crazy fights and stay in productive fights:
- "Same Team" - Fights are for your relationship. Attack the issue, not each other.
- "One Play At a Time" - Stick with one topic until you get past that topic.
- "Stay In the Game" - Don't be avoiders; don't turn your back and walk away; stick it out.
- "LUV" - Listen, Understand, Validate.
- "Personal Fouls" - Don't name-call of any kind.
- "the Time-Out" - if the fight gets too intense, take a time-out.
- "Win-Win" - If your goal in a fight is to win instead of being happy, you're gonna lose every single time. (This point was illustrated earlier in the show by having the couples face-off from each other across a swimming pool, each holding one end of a tug-of-war rope. The couples were told, "Don't be pulled from your spot." On the "go" signal, some couples used all their strength to pull their partner into the pool; one person struggled for a while and then gave up, jumping into the pool to end the tug-of-war; another person cheated by having someone push her partner from behind into the pool. At the end, the hosts had another couple demonstrate the way to win - each partner in this couple, when told to not be pulled from their spot, simply stood there holding the rope without pulling. Neither was pulled from their spot, and there was no conflict between the two partners.)
- "Spike the Ball" - Celebrate when you move past something.
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