Thursday, April 11, 2024

Did you know this about the book of Lamentations?


Did you know...

... the book of Lamentations has five chapters. Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5 each have 22 verses. In chapters 1, 2, and 4, each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The fifth chapter, although having twenty verses, does not follow this alphabet ("alef-bet", more accurately) pattern.
Chapter 3 has 66 verses, and retains the Hebrew alphabet pattern, except there's three verses per letter instead of just one.
In addition, there's a specific poetic pattern (three stresses followed by two) which the first four chapters follow; the fifth chapter does not have this pattern.
Few English Bible translations make either of these points clear to the reader. The Holman Christian Standard Bible, among a few others, does reveal the acrostic pattern, as you can see at .

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